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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

McAfee Total Protection 2009

McAfee promises "instant, silent, and complete" security for your computer. The complete, at least, is debatable. Depending on your point of view, the $79.99 (direct) McAfee Total Protection 2009 is either the most feature-rich or the most feature-bloated of the current suites. The suite isn't much different from last year's edition--the company's continuous-update policy doesn't seem to foster radical changes. McAfee promises better malware protection with reduced impact on system performance. Its new anti-malware technology does seem to work, but the suite is sluggish and has made little or no progress in the bulk of its many modules.

Installing Total Protection 2009:

During the test, McAfee Total Security 2009 was installed on an Intel Pentium D 3.4GHz (Dual Core), 1024MB RAM, with Windows XP SP3. Patches and other software were kept current on the lab machine.

McAfee Total Protection 2009 was simple to install. Users have the option to install from CD or from the Internet. The CD install requires updates, and was the option used during the test. However, subsequent testing showed that there is little difference in install time between the CD or Internet options. Total Protection 2009 installed much slower than Norton 2009, its top rival. The total install time from start to finish was some 15 minutes.

The install process is wizard based, so there is little room for error. Before completing the component installation, Total Protection 2009 will scan the system for threats. After the scan finishes, which takes just a few minutes, users will then create a McAfee account. One issue with the account creation is the limit on password selection. Special characters, such as the '&' or the '( )' symbols, were blocked.

There was no reboot needed after installing from CD during the test. However, once the update manager was run after installation, updates were downloaded that did require a system restart.

Updating launches in the background, there is no way to monitor the process except to follow the icon in the system tray. The little icon is there to alert users of updates according to the TP2009 menu, yet they'll have no control over what is updating, and are also unable to directly follow the progress or cancel the update once launched.

The update moved through the various modules (Virus Scan, Firewall, etc.) and completed in about three minutes for the first update after install and, on average, two to three minutes every other time.

Using Total Protection 2009:

Navigation and controlling Total Protection is easy to do. Anyone who uses Total Protection 2008 will notice that not much has changed in the new version. The main navigation menu comes with two views: Advanced and Basic. For testing, both were used, but for the typical user the Basic menu will likely do just fine.

The main navigation area (Basic mode) is broken up into three sections: Update, Scan, and a Common Tasks menu. Update and Scan buttons, each self explanatory, make launching an update or scan simple for the typical user, thanks to their prominent location.


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